Sitting at your desk for eight hours a day can be a pain in the bum, metaphorically speaking… but also literally. We understand that not all workplaces have initiatives in place that allow employees to get active during their working day. That is where we can help! We have devised 5 simple exercises you can do while not having to leave your chair.

Just because you’re desk-bound does not mean you have to remain inactive. Give these a try next time you have a free moment in the office and maybe ask your desk buddy to join in! You’ll have the physique of a young Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson (or the equivalent Dwaynette) in no time.

1. Tricep Dips

Using a stationary chair only (or a low bench). Push your chair out from your desk so you’ve got some wiggle room. With your hands resting on the edge of your chair and your knees at a right angle, dip as far as you can go and rise back up without locking your arms.

2. Ab Squeeze

Just sitting at your desk, sitting up straight, take one large breath in and tense your abdominal muscles. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds and then release. This one can be done while in a meeting or on a phone call.

3. Seated Leg Raise

While sitting up straight in a chair, lift one leg up, keeping it horizontal. You will feel your the muscles in your leg and abdominal become engaged. Hold this position for 5 seconds then slowly lower your leg down. Switch legs, and repeat.

4. Circulation

While sitting comfortably in your chair with a straight back and feet touching the floor, point your toes down and rapidly tap on the floor. This will increase your blood circulation and give you a quick boost of energy.

5. Seated Ab Twist

Sit on the edge of your chair so your bottom is firmly placed. Lift your arms behind your head and lift one knee to the opposite angle, letting your body naturally twist. You should feel your abdominal muscles activate in this position. Twist back into a normal seated position and then repeat with the opposite leg and elbow.

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